3 balls of Rowan Wool Cotton (clearly, I haven't finished my own scarf, so the amount might change slightly)
size 6 straight needles, American
CO 40
R1: knit
R2: K2, YO, *S1-K2tog-PSSO, YO2, repeat from * 7 more times, S1-K2tog-PSSO, YO, K2
R3: P2, K1, *P2, Knit one twisted stitch, K1, repeat from *7 more times, P2, K1, P2
R4: K2, P2, *Slip 1, K1, Knit into slipped stitch, P2, repeat from *7 times, Slip 1, K1, Knit into slipped stitch, P1, K2
R5: P2, K1, *P2, K2, repeat from * 7 more times, P2, K1, P2
Repeat rows 2-5 until you have a scarf the desired length you want it. Finish on R2, knit the next row, then bind off. Weave in all edges.